Donegel’ Chong was born in Malaysia as a “third generation” Chinese descent; educated in Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
While completing his studies in Catholic Junior College Singapore, he spontaneously took part in the 1993 “My Singapore, My Home” art competition organised by the Singapore Ministry of Culture and was awarded with the Merit Prize. This was his first public recognition for his artistic talents.
Increasing his career, he graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Science in International hospitality management (Les Roches International School of Hotel Management),
which brought him to Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the USA.
Donegel’ Chong
After his last station in the USA, Donegel’ Chong took up fashion design, creating his fashion brands, Malefactor and Donegel’ Chong; all brought under his first boutique in Zurich, FADESTO – FAshion DEsigners STarting Out.
An unexpected chance led Donegel’ Chong back to the hospitality industry in Japan, Malaysia and China. Finaly an opportunity in retail brought him back to Switzerland again, where the multilevel artist is currently living and working.

Donegel’ Chong’s original artworks are presented in private and public collections in China, Germany, Norway, Switzerland.
Artist Statement
Donegel’ Chong: “In my series FEEDING the fishes are swimming in water jumping up and down. Is it an explosion of energy or restless chaos? How are we feeding the fishes? Or are the fishes feeding us?
Who is the hunter and who becomes the hunted?
I like the theme of climate change as this is a very current and important topic, that will influence the sustainability of planet earth and everything on and within it.
What we have done cannot be undone, but the collective actions that we could make NOW, can still manoeuvre the future and the lives of generations to come.
From my point of view as a visual artist, my works are not only meant to be pretty in a room, but are there whenever possible to stimulate reflections, thoughts and dialogues.”