The objective of my art is, through combining the opportunities of digital technology with traditional painting and the art of poetry, to evoke emotions, to stimulate reflection and daydreams. I prefer painting flowers, following a quote of Buddha: “If you could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change”. While…


FORMAN_ACT ist Polit-Popkünstler. Der Künstler FORMAN_ACT hat mit seiner Sicht auf die Welt eine neue Stilrichtung erschaffen, die er kurz „Poli-Pop Art“ nennt. Provokant, direkt und ein Abblid des momentanen Weltgeschehens, immer brandaktuell. Kunst und Politik mischen sich in junger Kreativität. Was läuft falsch in dieser sich rasant verändernden Welt? Nehmen wir die Fehler der…


All my works are dedicated to the beauty of the planet and man. The painting “The Last Tree” speaks of an impending catastrophe. Colorful nature adorns our life, provided that the ecology is preserved, that is, the beauty of everything that surrounds us. Life is meaningless without beauty. I am standing there, behind the canvas…

Uwe Michael Neumann

Uwe Michael Neumann developed a love of photography when he got his first camera, a Polaroid, at the age of eight years old. From 1982 to 1988, Neumann diverted from photography, studying law at Cologne State University. But his love of photography, driven by curiosity and the desire to see new things and discover and…